Assessment Office of Lawrence County
Assessment Office of Lawrence County
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Welcome to the Assessment Office
The Lawrence County Assessment office is responsible for the valuation of real property for AD VALORUM tax purposes. We are responsible for putting a value on real property for tax purposes. This value does not represent the market value of your property. The value our office gives to each property will generate the tax amount for your County Government, Local Government & School District. Other duties of the office include the maintenance of all real estate and personal records, updating, revisions, analyzing deed transfer in reference to mapping, reviewing existing construction and correspondence and personal contact with the public. The Lawrence County Assessment Office reports directly to the Lawrence County Commissioners.
General County Information
Lawrence County consists of 56,000 parcels that encompass 367 square miles. We have a total of 27 municipalities and out of the 27 Municipalities we have one (1) city; the City of New Castle. The City of New Castle consists of 8 wards and the Ellwood City Borough consists of 5 wards. The second (2nd) ward of Ellwood City Borough actually lies in both Lawrence and Beaver Counties. The remaining 25 Municipalities consists of nine (9) Boroughs and sixteen (16) townships. Lawrence County has a total population of just fewer than 95,000.
District Information
Tax Collector, District Secretary and School District Contact Information
The Lawrence County Assessment Office also administers Act 72 Homestead/Farmstead Exclusion, Act 156 Clean and Green Act & Geographical Information Systems (GIS). GIS is a digital representation of our tax maps.
Links & Resources

Start a GIS Data Search for Assessments.